STAR | Seattle Tamil Arts of Rhythm

STAR (Seattle Tamil Arts of Rhythm) is a Seattle-based Tamil traditional performance arts troupe which was started in 2015. It is a Washington state registered nonprofit organization. STAR vision is to bring all the Tamil traditional performing arts to USA and to introduce to the next generations.

Whether you’re curious about us, or want to learn our arts, or teach with us, please contact us at or 916.335.2087. கலைகளை கற்று மகிழ்வோம் வாருங்கள்!

What do we do?

Learn from Artists from India

We have a passion for all the ancient arts of India. We learn it from the masters who has given all their life to the art form.

Pass the arts to the next Gen

Spread our ancient arts by teaching it to the next generation living in the United States

Support Artists

We are constantly in touch with many artists and their familes back in India. We help them by taking online classes from them, and supporting their kids education.

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